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Saturday, May 16, 2015




According to a UNESCO estimate there are approximately 6000 languages which are considered endangered [because the present generation does not speak to the next generation in this language] and out of them only 50% or 10% are expected to remain at the end of the 21st Century. Sri Lankan Malay is one such language! Pursuant to this startling find, the Volkswagen Foundation of Germany [no connection to the car manufacturer] started a project called the Documentation of Endangered Languages Programme [DoBeS](shortened form in German) to try and arrest the trend. Between 2005 and 2009 Dr. Umberto Ansaldo led a research team whose aim was a full documentation of Sri Lankan Malay under the auspices of the DoBeS foundation. The team included Dr. Lisa Lim, a co-investigator, and Dr. S. Nordhoff as a Ph.D. candidate funded by the project. This project saw the output of many scholarly papers and comprehensive dissertation on the Sri Lankan Malay community, and helped generate an active discussion about the status of the language within the community.

Prior to this initiative, there have been a number of researchers, linguists, historians and anthropologists who have chosen various aspects of the Sri Lankan Malays or the Sri Lankan Malay Language for their Doctoral Theses and done a lot of work in this regard and published their works.

KONFRENSI MELAYU SRI LANKA or Conference of Sri Lankan Malays [COSLAM] founded on 30th January 2000, from its vey inception worked assiduously to inspire and empower the Malays to stand on their own feet and find their rightful place in Sri Lankan society, that of citizens second to no other. In this process, it was imperative to have our priorities right and be fully focused on our aims and objectives.

From the very inception, COSLAM based all its activities on two very important principles. Firstly, Islam and Islam alone can guide us to the exalted position that Allah (s.w.t.) has reserved for mankind in this world and in the hereafter. Secondly, Islam is a complete way of life as shown to us by the last and greatest of Allah’s prophets, Muhammed (O.W.B.P.).

Acknowledging the importance of the community’s language in its identity as a distinct ethnic group, COSLAM set about to giving priority to the learning of Bahasa Melayu to open new windows to the Nusantara. This did not mean that Sri Lankan Malay was to be discarded but rather that it would remain the spoken language while Bahasa Melayu was to be used in all written communication. With assistance of like-minded persons like Pak B. D. K. Saldin and Tuan Haji Sheriffdeen Jamalon of Kurunegala, it did not take much to persuade His Excellency Iskandar Sarudin, the High Commissioner of Malaysia to commence Bahasa Melayu classes at the High Commission premises under the auspices of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka the language and literature institute of the government of Malaysia.

The first Malay Language Classes were held from 20th July to 19th October 2002. The students faced an examination and the successful students were given certificates at an elaborate but simple ceremony in the High Commission itself. The students who qualified, were put through the paces of an advanced class from 02nd January to 21st June 2003. Here too, the qualified students were given certificates. Eight of the best students were thereafter selected to undergo a Teachers’ Training Course in Malaysia. However, due to a number of new developments, five students including President COSLAM participated in a residential training course conducted from 21st August to 02nd September 2005 at the headquarters of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Malaysia and were awarded certificates to the effect that they have undergone a course for Language Teachers of International Standard [Munsyi peringkat Antarabangsa].

In a related development, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka which had established an International Council for the Malay Language [Majlis Antarabangsa Bahasa Melayu] in 2000 and had as its Sri Lankan representative Pak B. D. K. Saldin from the inception, appointed President COSLAM to that post from 2004 to 2006 when the former very graciously stepped down to make way for a younger person.

Of the Munsyis, Tuan Haji Jamalon conducted classes at Kurunegala, Hajah Eileen Dane conducted classes at Wattala under the auspices of the Mabola Malay Association and President COSLAM conducted classes at Zahira College, Colombo. SLAMAC too conducted classes at the Padang with the assistance of all Munsyis, Hajah Shirazi Dulapandan and Sdri. Mumtaz Dole being the other two. In all these instances, although the initial enthusiasm was very high, it waned at the latter stages to such an extent that it discouraged the organizers of these classes from proceeding in this direction any further.

However due to the never-say-die commitment of some activists, avenues were explored to try and bring a Malay tutor to Sri Lanka sponsored by the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka to train the Munsyis and their few dedicated students to attain higher standards of Bahasa Melayu. Unfortunately, these efforts did not meet with any success. To make matters worse, Majlis Antarabangsa Bahasa Melayu was disbanded around this time and the bi-enniel conference scheduled for 2006 was not held.

Hari Bahasa Melayu Inaugurated 

Placed in a quandary, COSLAM then came up with the idea of developing Sri Lankan Malay. As an initial step, it declared a day in the year as Hari Bahasa Melayu [Malay Language Day] and dedicated it to the preservation and development of the Malay Language. Competitions were held in 4 age groups in Essay and Oratory and Challenge Shields, valuable cash awards and certificates awarded to successful participants. As a further incentive, the ANUGERAH BAHASA MELAYU Award was inaugurated to honour persons who make outstanding contributions to the preservation and development of the Malay Language. Up-to-date eight persons have been bestowed with this honour.

By Allah’s Grace COSLAM has been able to observe this Day for the last 5 years in succession and this year is the 8th occasion when it is being observed along with the 124th birth anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah, the renowned Educationist, Statesman, Diplomat and only National Hero among the Malays.

The first Hari Bahasa Melayu was held on 06th August 2006 along with the 46th Death Anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah, under the distinguished patronage of H.E. Nazirah Hussein, High Commissioner of Malaysia. The Dr. T. B. Jayah Oration was delivered by Desamanya Prof. M. T. A. Furkhan and three distinguished persons viz. Pak B.D.K. Saldin, Tuan Haji Shreiffdeen Jamalon and Moulavi Muzni Ameer (Dheeni) Chief Katheeb of the Wekanda Jumma Masjid were awarded the ANUGERAH BAHASA MELAYU on that day.

Hari Bahasa Melayu Ke-2 was held on 26th August 2007 along with the 47th Death anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah under distinguished patronage of Mr. John Admiral, Counsellor of the Embassy of Indonesia in Sri Lanka standing in for H. E. the Ambassador. The Dr. T. B. Jayah Oration was delivered by Kalabhooshana Dr. M. S. Jaldeen Ph. D. who inter alia has been the biographer of this great personality. This occasion was made a historic one by the release of the first-ever Sri Lankan Malay Dictionary compiled by Pak B. D. K. Saldin in collaboration with Dr. Lisa Lim. For their very extensive research done, outstanding contributions made for the preservation of the language and for taking a personal interest in the well-being of the Malays, Dr. Umberto Ansaldo and Dr. Lisa Lim were awarded the ANUGERAH BAHASA MELAYU this year. Together with them, Sdr. Farook Thaliph and Sdr. M. H. N. Emran were also awarded the ANUGERAH BAHASA MELAYU for their publications entitled “Book on Malay Grammar (Nahu)” and “Bahasa Melayu Book 1” respectively.

Hari Bahasa Melayu Ke-3 was held on 24th August 2008 in conjunction with the 48th Death anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah under distinguished patronage of Mr. Ezuwan Hassan the Second Secretary of the Malaysian High Commission standing in for H.E. the High Commissioner. This year, the Dr. T. B. Jayah Oration was delivered by Al Haj A. H. M. Azwer, Advisor to H.E. the President and Media Ombudsman. 

Hari Bahasa Melayu Ke-4 was held on 03rd January 2010 this time together with the 120th Birth Anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah under the distinguished patronage of H. E. Rosli Ismail the High Commissioner of Malaysia. The Dr. T.B. Jayah Oration was delivered by Justice Saleem Marsoof, Judge of the Supreme Court. 

Hari Bahasa Melayu Ke-5 was held on 02nd January 2011 together with the 121st Birth Anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah under the distinguished patronage of H. E. Djafar Husein the Ambassador of Indonesia. The Dr. T. B. Jayah Oration was delivered by Al Haj A. Javid Yusuf, former Principal of Zahira College, Colombo and Sri Lanka’s former Ambassador to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Sebastian Nordhoff who had done extensive research on Sri Lankan Malay and published his Doctoral Thesis: “A grammar of Upcountry Sri Lanka Malay” in 3 volumes, was awarded the ANUGERAH BAHASA MELAYU.

Beginning with 2010, the scope of the Hari Bahasa Melayu Competitions were widened with the introduction of a Malay Language Competition replacing the Under 12 Essay Competition. In 2011, this was further extended with the introduction of the Malay Language Paper instead of the Under 17 Essay Competition. This year, Competitions were held in Kandy and Puttalam in addition to Colombo and Hambantota. As a prelude to the Competitions, syllabi were prepared for the Malay Language Papers of both age groups and seminars held in all four centres to explain the nature of the Question Papers that were to be set.

For Hari Bahasa Melayu Ke-6 there was a record number of 154 participants from the 4 centres. It was heartening to note that there was keen competition in the under Under 12 and Under 17 age categories. However, as there was hardly any competitors in the Under 21 age category, the continuation of competitions in this age category has got to be rethought.

Hari Bahasa Melayu Ke-6 was held on 01st January 2012 together with the 122nd Birth Anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah under the distinguished patronage of H. E. Azmi Zainuddin the High Commissioner of Malaysia. The Dr. T. B. Jayah Oration was delivered by Mr. S. H. M. Jameel, former Secretary, Ministry of Muslim and Cultural Affairs. This year saw the expanding of the Malay Language Competition to the Under 21 category. 

The 123rd Birth Anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah together with Hari Bahasa Melayu Ke-7 was held on 06th January 2013 under the distinguished patronage of H. E. Harimawan Suyitno the Ambassador of Indonesia. The Dr. T. B. Jayah Oration was delivered by Dr. M. A. M. Shukri, Director Jamiyah Neleemiyah International Islamic University, Beruwela. The number of participants island-wide stood at 136.

This year, Hari Bahasa Melayu Ke-8 is being held in conjunction with the 124th Birth Anniversary of Al Haj Dr. T. B. Jayah at the New Town Hall, Colombo due to the non-availability of Ghafoor Hall in Zahira College which is under repairs. The participants from all 4 centres this year was 153. 

Leap Forward

HARI BAHASA MELAYU has undoubtedly caused a great leap forward for the Sri Lankan Malays and their language, since its introduction in 2006. 

Sri Lankan Malay which had hitherto been used only as a spoken language [or a dialect] received a tremendous boost in 2006 when with the introduction of the Malay Essay Competitions, the language started to be written by the competitors using the Roman, Sinhalese and Tamil scripts. This trend has continued up-to-date. With the introduction of the Malay Language Competition in 2010, it has now become necessary to standardize the spelling of Malay words using each of these scripts. 

HARI BAHASA MELAYU, in addition to bringing the Malays together for an occasion in which their language is given prominence at least on an annual basis, has brought about a rejuvenation, in the thought process in numerous Malay Organizations and this indeed is a very welcome sign. 

The stalwarts of the Hambantota Branch of COSLAM comprising Haji Cassim Barmatha, Haji T. P. Amith, his wife Puan Nazeera Mayel and Sdr. B. Lamudeen have been consistent in braving all odds, in conducting the Competitions and bringing the prize-winners to Hari Bahasa Melayu every year from 2006. We record here with profound sorrow, the demise last month of Sdr. Lamudeen of Bandagiriya, who had been a tower of strength to us in all our activities in the Hambantota District. May Allah (s.w.t.) grant him Jennathul Firdous. 

The Way Forward

Sri Lankan Malays have come a long way in so many endeavours since the founding of COSLAM. However, it is acknowledged that there is still a long way to go. We at COSLAM humble ourselves in thanking Allah Almighty for helping and guiding us all along the way and beseech His forgiveness for whatever sins committed or shortcomings on our part. We pray to Him for His continued largesse for the way ahead. We also call upon all Malays to put their shoulders to the wheel to assist in whatever ways possible to achieve success in the task ahead. Always remember: 

“Verily, never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves” [Glorious Quran 13:11].                                             

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