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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The hottest subject of today has been why our planet is becoming hotter. Many theories are propounded on this subject as it is drawing great importance. Much is spoken about global warming, green house gas effect, carbon credit etc. People are becoming more interested in environmental related jobs called green collar jobs. Some Sri Lankan companies have also won international awards in constructing environment friendly state of the art factories & are efficiently running them today. Exhibitions like EDEX organized by the Royal College Union held recently at the BMICH had stalls educating the crowds on the subject of environment & the job potentials it has in store. Gatherings like the Kyoto protocol & the recent conference in Copenhagen have shed much light on the subject & drawn international attention & concern predicting the unpleasant for those who have been destined to make earth their abode

As human beings experience the unbearably sweltering heat in our part of the world yet certain other portion of our earth is having unprecedented winter climates. Awkward weather patterns, melting icebergs, fear of animals like polar bears, rein deer & penguins becoming extinct, rising sea levels that threaten to inundate small islands like the Maldives are blamed on neglect of our planet

Today scientists have discovered many reasons for the sudden change in meteorological patterns encountered by the denizens of mother earth. Some attribute this to the indiscriminate felling of trees and the increasingly alarming usage of inorganic substances that upset the ecological balance yet many theories prove that fumes emanating from industries & other forms of burning have increased the carbon-dioxide contents in the atmosphere & some dangerous gas emissions have perforated the ozone layer resulting in the rays of the sun being felt much strongly & spelling its ill-effects

Although different Islamic forum have dealt on varied topics of interest to my amazement the subject of ISLAM & THE ENVIRONMENT has not accumulated any interest among the members. Sadly very little is written on this subject despite it having a huge impact on our future. I wish to invite the learned members to do more Islamic research & throw more light on this important subject as it has grabbed the attention of the entire world

However on findings made personally I wish to reflect on some interesting aspects of how Islam is environment friendly

The use of fire in worship
No where in Islam do we find any article of burning like candles, oil- lamps, joss sticks, incense (such practices if found among Muslims in small numbers have very clearly been declared as bidath practices) One can imagine the tons of carbon-di-oxide that will be puffed into the atmosphere as it forms a religious prerequisite in the rituals of almost every eastern & pre-historic religions

Funeral pyre
As Islam prescribes burying or interring their dead, most other religions practice burning or cremating Consider the death rate in a country like India where at least 10 million would die in a year. Think of the gases like CO2 & even SO2 that emanate from the pyre that concentrate the air & make the globe warmer .What about the millions of trees that may be felled to arrange & construct a pyre which again causes the same disaster

The use of fire works to celebrate any event of joy or in some cases sorrow has be declared totally un-Islamic & simply haram. One may imagine the metric tons of dangerous gases released to the atmosphere on New Year celebrations etc-another direct cause for contributing to global warming

Disposal of waste
Islam totally condemns waste. The Quran & Hadith have come strongly on this subject. Islam encourages to cut the coat according to the cloth & even appreciates polishing the plate & licking the fingers & warned that one shall give account to Allah of whatever he/she possesses in excess of what is required. What more could be used as a definition for control of waste

Above examples among many others clearly elucidates the Islamic point of view on global warming & environment
I would appreciate more research on this subject to confront any opposing perception & to further promote the Islamic opinion on the matter

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